Melissa Tuton, The Doula
Hello Everyone! My name is Melissa Tuton. I’m a birth doula located in the Renton Highlands in Washington State, serving families on the Eastside and surrounding areas. I’m a certified Body Ready Method ® Birth Pro. I’m a total birth nerd, lover all things birth and babies, and I love collaborating with other doulas and birth workers. I love helping families learn, plan and welcome their babies feeling safe, prepared and confident from Belly to Blossom! Melissa's Philosophy As a seasoned doula, Melissa can approach each pregnancy and birth journey as a unique experience. She meets each person where they are, having a unique set of skills and dreams. This means care will and should look a little bit different from person to person, family to family, yet align with her three guiding principles of compassionate doula care: 1. Provide the highest quality emotional support 2. Approach physical support as a dynamic and multi-...