Contact Me AND Resources

My Contact Info: 


Phone: 206.351.1751



Resources and Evidence-Based Information: 

Spinning Babies backs Body Ready Method as a program to enhance pregnacy, prepare for birth and provide effective support during labor and in the postpartum period. Here is a link to the research and references used by both programs:

Information from the learning center on BRM's website:

Body Ready Podcast, listen to pro's talk about Body Ready Method & the Science behind it:

Pod on Dynamic Body Balance: The story behind your favorite birth techniques w/Dr. Carole Phillips:

Pod on Embodied Approach to the body and movement w/Lauren Ohayon of Restore Your Core (she specializes in resolving core and pelvic floor issues and is the co-creator of Body Ready Method:

Pod on The Evolution of Diastasis Recti by Munira Hudani, a Pre-and Post-Natal Physiotherapist:

Evidence Based Birth: Evidence for Movement and its effects on pain releif:
Research: Movement in Birth & More:

American College of Nurse-Midwives , Midwives Alliance of North America, National Association of Certified Professional Midwives. (2012). Supporting healthy and normal physiologic childbirth: A consensus statement by ACNM, MANA, and NACPM. Retrieved from [PubMed]   

Dehghan F., Haerian B.S., Muniandy S., Yusof A., Dragoo J.L., Salleh N. The effect of relaxin on the musculoskeletal system. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports. 2014;24:e220–e229.  doi: 10.1111/sms.12149. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
Healthy Birth Practice #2: Walk, Move Around, Change Positions Throughout Labor:

Goer H. (2013, December 19). Cochrane systematic review supports Lamaze Healthy Birth Practice #2-Walk, Move Around and Change Positions in Labor. Science & Sensibility Blog [Web log post]. Retrieved from [Google Scholar]
Shilling T., Romano A. M., DiFranco J. (2007). Care practice: Freedom of movement throughout labor. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 16(3): 21–24. 
Simkin P., Ancheta R. (2011). The labor progress handbook: Early interventions to prevent and treat dystocia (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell. [Google Scholar
Storton S. (2007). The coalition for improving maternity services: Evidence basis of mother-friendly care. Step 4: Provide the birthing woman with freedom of movement to walk, move, and assume positions of her choice. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 16(Supp. 1), 25S–27S. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
Traavoni S., Abdolahian A. S., Haghani H., Neysani L. (2011). Effect of birth ball usage on pain in the active phase of labor: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 56(2), 137–140. 10.1111/i.15412011.201000013x [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
World Health Organization (1996). Care in normal birth: A practical guide. Geneva, Switzerland: Author. [Google Scholar]

Amazing Childbirth Books!!

Expecting Kindness: Amazon

For full resources and bio check out: 

Mindful Birthing: Training the Mind, Body, and Heart for Childbirth and Beyond -

Full Resources Page:

Downloadable MP3 Album with Intros and Meditations as well as a yoga sequence! 

Breastfeeding Information & More:

LACTIVATE!: A User's Guide To Breastfeeding

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Completely Revised and Updated 8th Edition -

Free Breastfeeding Course!!

Some of My Favorite Birthy Things!

Breastfeeding Resources:
Books for Postpartum Preparation
The First Forty Days
DONA Postpartum Template: Postpartum Template 

A Taste of Our Own Medicine 
Birthing Justice
Revolutionary Mothering
Motherwit by, Onnie Lee Logan as Told to Katherine Clark

Books for Child-Rearing / Parenting / Relationships:
The Baby Book
Becoming Attached
The Whole-Brain Child

The Happiest Baby on the Block
The Happiest Toddler on the Block
The Two Year Old, Terrible or Tender

The Conscious Parent
The Awakened Family
No Drama Discipline
Simplicity Parenting
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen, & Listen So Kids Will Talk

Unequal Childhoods

When Partners Become Parents
The Second Shift

Look for more books here:

Lactation Consultant:
Dayna Hall IBCLC, ICCE
Fern Valley Natural Health

Massage Therapist:
Union Wellness Seattle and Tacoma

Midwives / Birth Centers
Christine Thain, LM, CPM
Angela Lygren, LM, CPM
Eastside Birth Center (Bellevue, WA)

Amy Frasier, LM, CPM
Snohomish Midwives 

Tracy Cooper LM, CPM
Puget Sound Birth Center (Renton, WA)

Doctors / Hospitals:
Valley Medical Birth Center (Renton, WA):
Theresa C Hamer, MD, FACOG
Associated Valley Obstetrics

Dara Jolly, MD, OBGYN
Valley Medical Family Medicine Residency

Ali Lewis
US Medical Center - Northwest

Loren Riccio, ND, LM, CPM
Fern Valley Natural Health

Dawn Flynn, ND, EAMP
Whole Body Holistic


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